Learning in Willow Class
About our class
Welcome to Willow class. Mrs McShee is the class teacher and our class TA is Mrs Littleworth
Our class ethos is to be kind and respectful to everyone and everything, to always try our best and to try to think independently.
Homework is given out on Mondays and should be returned the following Monday.
Spellings follow the Twinkl spelling scheme and contain a different spelling rule each week. Tests are on Thursdays.
PE is on Wednesday afternoons and is taught by Mr Cox. This term will be gymnastics and tennis
Values Education - We think about these values alongside our PSHE lessons and our assemblies.
January - Patience
February - Love
March - Courage
April - Kindness
This term...
Forest School for Willow Class begins on the 7th March and runs for 6 weeks, until the 11th of April. It will be on Friday mornings during these dates.
Miss Owen, a student teacher from Worcester University, will be joining us until mid-March
In English for the Autumn term, we will be studying Myths and Legends. We will be carrying out many activities around this in order to extend the children's enjoyment and comprehension skills. The children will have many opportunities to read aloud, discuss characters and settings and enrich their vocabulary.
We will continue to have a daily focus on key literacy skills such as reading, spelling, handwriting, punctuation and grammar.
Our school follows the scheme from 'Hamilton Trust'.
This term we will be studying addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions, decimals, money and time
The year 3 pupils will be continuing to learn their 3s, 4s, and 8s times tables.
The year 4 pupils will be continuing to learn their 6s, 7s, 9s, 11s and 12s times tables.
Please take a look at the various games below which you could play with your child to support their understanding and recall of their times tables.
Topic plans
Our Geography topic this half term is all about Europe. We will be learning about European maps and landmarks and the children will be researching a European country in depth.
After half term, our History topic will be Anglo Saxons.
Science this half term is about forces and magnets and after half term will be nutrition.
In Art, the children will be using Georges Seurat as inspiration for their own pieces of pointillism.
In computing, we will be programming using Scratch.
For all other subjects, please take a look at our class planning sheet. This year we are following Long term Plans Year B.
Willow Class Plans
Expectations in Mathematics for Year 3