Learning in Maple Class

Welcome back to Maple Class for Spring Term 2025

About our class

 Maple class is taught by Miss Searle, Monday to Thursday and Mr Lewis on a Friday. 

Mrs Bufton works within the class all week. Miss Evans also works mornings in our class. That is the Maple Team!

We also have two volunteers: Judy Balderson with Kerry (our therapy dog) come in on a Monday to support reading and Nikki Thomas (who is completing a Teaching and Learning in Schools Level 2 course) most Wednesdays.

PE is on a Thursday and this term it will be inside, so no trainers are needed.  Please try and leave PE kits in school as they may be needed at other times.  We will begin by doing gymnastics and then dance.

Swimming will be every day with in a two-week period starting from 3rd March and finishing on 14th March. 

Values Education. (We think about these values alongside our PSHE lessons and our assemblies) 

January – Patience

February - Love

March - Courage

April - Kindness

Curriculum Plans

See our Long Term Plans Year B to find out what we are studying across the curriculum this year.  


We are following Twinkl Phonics to learn our sounds and develop a range of reading skills and writing. 

On a Monday Level 5 and 6 complete a spelling quiz which reflects the sounds they have been learning during the week. We also look at their homework.

Children have their home school phonics book (yellow) in their book bag that should contain their look cover write check sheet to help them practice their sounds. 

Children should also usually get a mini-book on Thursdays that helps them consolidate their sounds and tricky words and develop their understanding. Please read this at home.

Rhino Reader books will be changed weekly on a Wednesday.  They will be given out in the second week of term. These books link into the phonics sounds that the children have been taught so that they can practice sounding and blending.  They are designed to be read more than once so that the phonic sounds are consolidated.  

This term in English lessons we will be looking at Fantasy stories about dragons. Nonfiction texts will include instructions and diaries.  We will also read Poems about Monsters.  Each week we cover grammar and comprehension.


We will study Place value including:

  • Ordinal numbers and properties of numbers.
  • Odd and even.

We will study addition and subtraction including: 

  • Use facts, patterns and place value to add and subtract.
  • Use number lines and 100 grids to add and subtract.
  • Find money totals and solve word problems.
  • Find change.
  • Add and double by partitioning.
  • Subtract by counting back or up and choose a strategy.

We will study time including:

  • Understand hours, minutes and seconds.
  • Telling the time and including 5-min intervals.

We will study division and multiplication including: 

  • Count in 2s, 5s and know the times table facts. 
  • Division as the inverse of multiplication. 
  • Multiplication and doubling and inverses.
  • Counting in 3s. 
  • Solve multiplication and division problems. 

We will also be developing a deeper understanding of fractions including. 

  • Find fractions of shapes (1/2, 1/4, 1/3)
  • Find fractions of amounts (1/2, 1/4, 1/3)


Learning at home.


We encourage all children to read at home at least 3 times a week.  We give stamps as a reward for reading and count up how many times they have read from the reading diary’s.  Please read the Rhino Readers and the Let’s Read mini books (as well as other texts).

Phonics homework for Level 5 and 6 consists of writing out their weekly spellings. For Maths, please continue to count in 2,5 and 10 and then learn these tables.  As well as telling the time.

Maple Class Plans

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Expectations in Mathematics for Year 1

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Expectations in Mathematics for Year 2

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