Learning in Oak Class

About our class


Welcome to Oak Class!  Mrs Lancaster is the class teacher Tuesday to Friday and Mr Lewis teaches the class on a Monday.  Our TAs are Mrs Davis, Miss Green and Miss La Monica.  

We are encouraged to always be kind and to respect each other, as well as to always have a positive approach to our learning and do our very best.

Homework is given out on a Thursday and due in the following Thursday.  It consists of Reading, Spelling, Times Tables and Maths, linking in to our learning in class.

We follow the Twinkl Spelling scheme and learn a different rule each week.  Our spelling tests are on a Thursday.

A few Forest School sessions for Oak Class will be led by Mr Lewis on a Monday afternoon during the Summer Term.

PE is on a Thursday afternoon and is taught by Mr Cox.  This term's focus will be on Cross Country and High Five Netball.  

 Information for Spring Term 2025


Our class text for this term is Running Wild by Michael Morpurgo and we will also be reading The Lion Above the Door by Onjali Q Rauf in the afternoons.  Much of our writing will be linked to our texts and topics for the term.  We will be covering several genres including narratives, balanced arguments, precising, poetry, descriptive writing of characters and settings, and informal letter writing. 

Children are regularly taught punctuation and grammar skills and are encouraged to use these skills accurately in their written work.

Reading is so important.  Children are given the opportunity to read at school daily, both individually and with reading buddies.  In addition, Mrs Lancaster reads to the children every day.  

Comprehension work is completed every week with Mr Lewis.  Children read and analyse a range of texts and answer questions, further developing their deduction and inferential skills.


 We follow the Hamilton Trust scheme of work for Maths.  

This term we will be focussing on consolidation of Place Value (to tens of millions), Addition and Subtraction, Decimals, Multiplication and Division, Fractions and Shape.  In addition we will focus on Using Brackets in Calculations, Ratio and Algebra.  

Quick recall of times tables facts is so important and children are encouraged to practise regularly at home.


Our topic for this term is Earth and Space.  We will begin by focussing on the relative size of the Sun, Earth and Moon before moving onto studies of the planets in our solar system.  Much of our work will be done practically through experiments.  The children will also be encouraged to research other areas linked to our topic of Earth and Space.    


We will link our History to our Science topic and will learn about the life and significance of Neil Armstrong. 

In Geography, we will be improving our mapping skills including on Ordnance Survey maps, using the eight points of a compass and using four and six-figure grid references.  We will continue to improve locating countries and describing their features.  In addition, we will be learning about Water and Rivers.  To complement our studies, we will be visiting the Shropshire Discovery Centre and taking part in an Investigating Rivers workshop, looking in particular at the River Onny.

Mr Lewis will teach RE on a Monday afternoon. 

Art and DT

In Art, we will be learning about the aritst Ecsher and practising our mark making skills.  In addition, we will be developing sketching skills, using pastels and collage skills to create work linked to our topic of Rivers. 

In DT we will be designing and creating a rocket linking in with our Earth and Space topic.  We will also be creating a 3D sculpture of a river from source to estuary linking in with our River studies.    


This term's topics are Selection in Quizzes and Sensing Movement.


We will begin the term by finishing the topic of Our School before moving onto the topics of Time and All Around the Town. 

Included in our PSHE lessons is our Values Education.  The Values for this term are:

January                -   Patience

February              -   Love

March                  -   Courage

April                    -   Kindness

 Please see below for the topic plans for Oak Class for the whole academic year.  


Oak Class Plans

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Expectations in Mathematics for Year 5

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Expectations in Mathematics for Year 6

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