Our School follows the National Curriculum and teachers plan curriculum content from this. Teachers also follow the Herefordshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. Our school has identified the knowledge progression for each of the National Curriculum subjects. These knowledge progressions are published under the subjects section.  They reflect the expectations of the National Curriculum. These will be reviewed periodically. Also here we have published each classes topic plans, these are run on a two year cycle. Year A being 2023/2024 (and 2025/26) Year B Being 2024/2025 (and 2026/27). Alongside our Knowledge progression documents this identifies the curriculum content that will be taught at each age and phase. 

During the reception year children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. (EYFS) 

The school follows the Twinkl phonics scheme. 

Together this forms our school curriculum. 

Further information on the national curriculum can be found here: National curriculum in England: primary curriculum - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Should you wish to contact the school with regard to our curriculum please contact the office: admin@stokeprior.hereford.sch.uk OR 01568 760207

Curriculum Policy

Updated: 15/10/2024 151 KB

Below you will find the curriculum plans for each class which form the basis of the lessons your child is in engaged in. They will help you stay informed and we hope this enhances your connection with their educational journey.

Monkey Puzzle Plans

Updated: 07/01/2025 131 KB
Updated: 24/10/2024 102 KB
Updated: 24/10/2024 1.16 MB
Updated: 24/10/2024 1.16 MB

Maple Class Plans

Updated: 24/10/2024 101 KB
Updated: 24/10/2024 96 KB

Willow Class Plans

Updated: 24/10/2024 89 KB
Updated: 24/10/2024 89 KB

Oak Class Plans

Updated: 04/02/2025 92 KB
Updated: 24/10/2024 91 KB